[Nashi Grocery 玖月烘焙食譜] 卡通牛油印模曲奇 Cut-out Butter Cookies

[Nashi Grocery 玖月烘焙食譜] 卡通牛油印模曲奇 Cut-out Butter Cookies

卡通牛油印模曲奇 Cut-out Butter Cookies


-Please scroll down for English version-

無鹽牛油 100克

糖霜 60克

全蛋 50克

低筋麵粉 240克

抹茶粉 0.5g

可可粉 0.5g

士多啤梨粉 0.5g

*可自行改用其他色粉 / 不使用任何色粉,全部製作原味曲奇

1. 低筋麵粉過篩,備用

2. 牛油和蛋放室溫

3. 牛油搓軟,篩入糖霜拌勻。用手動打蛋器把牛油和糖打成鬆軟和有空氣感,像潤手霜質感

4. 分三次加入室溫蛋,用手動打蛋器拌勻,蛋液充分被麵糰吸收才加入另一次蛋液

5. 加入低筋麵粉,用膠刮以切拌法 (Fold in) 把麵粉與牛油蛋糊拌勻。拌至看不見乾粉,膠刮沒麵糰黏附著便可

6. 取出2/3份量麵糰,用保鮮紙把麵糰包裹,用擀麵棍把麵糰搓成長方形,放入冰格雪30分鐘

7. 餘下的 1/3,分成三等份,各加入0.5g色粉 (抺茶/可可/士多啤梨)拌勻,用保鮮紙把麵糰包裹,用擀麵棍把麵糰搓成長方形,放入冰格雪30分鐘

8. 用擀麵棍把麵糰展開成4毫米厚,把曲奇模放在麵糰上印出想要的圖案並放在焗盤上

9. 把剩餘的麵糰集中起來,蓋上牛油紙,用擀麵棍把麵糰展開成4毫米厚,再用曲奇模放在麵糰上重新印出想要的圖案並放在焗盤上。如麵糰太軟,可放入冰格雪15分鐘才取出出印模

10. 把焗盤放入已預熱170度的焗爐,焗12分鐘或至曲奇表面金黃色便可

11. 把曲奇轉到冷卻架上,放涼後便可享用

Unsalted Butter 100g

Icing Sugar 60g

Eggs 50g

Cake Flour 240g

Matcha Powder 0.5g

Cacao Powder 0.5g

Strawberry Powder 0.5g

*Coloring powder is optional, other flavored powder can be used as replacement

1. Sift the cake flour and set aside

2. Place butter and eggs at room temperature

3. Soften the butter and mix with icing sugar. Beat the butter and icing sugar into fluffy texture

4. Add eggs (at room temperature) into the creamed mixture in three batches. Mix until incorporated after each addition

5. Add flour and mix just until incorporated. Avoid overmixing

6. Take out 2/3 of the dough and cover with cling wrap, shape each dough into a rectangular shape. Put into the freezer for 30 mins

7. Divide the remaining 1/3 into three equal portions. Add 0.5g of coloring powder (Cacao/Matcha/Strawberry) into each portion. Mix well. Cover with cling wrap, shape each dough into a rectangular shape. Put into the freezer for 30 mins

8. Roll the dough about 4mm thick. Use cookies cutters to cut into shapes

9. Gather the rest of the dough, cover it with baking paper and roll it out to about 4mm thick. Use cookies cutters to cut into shape. If the dough is too soft to cut, place it into the freezer for 15 minutes, then take out to cut different cookie shapes

10. Preheated the oven at 170°C and bake for 12 mins or until the cookies turn lightly browned at the edges

11. Cool down the cookies on the cooling rack. Done!


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